
One World Flutes
(flute cases)…Although Kirti is a source for everything associated with the Bansuri and all flutes Indian, he also carries a line of hard shell protective cases that may be of interest to the Native American flute playing community as well, Specifically, those instruments that are fipple flutes utilizing a fetish block you want left on the instrument. One case in particular, is the 2+1 hard shell case, with a non-divided fabric liner and 2”x3” zippered open end, and all are economically priced at 1/3rd, to 1/6th the price of any other domestic vendor I have found. His products present excellent quality and serious savings.
Charlie Mato-Toyela
Charlie Mato-Toyela has developed a website with features catering to enthusiasts with all levels of skill with this instrument. From beginners to advanced players, I believe there are valuable lessons to be learned from this flute builder and his website. His tools for the enthusiast include video lessons, accessories, and merchandise, as well as flutes.
Armenian Duduk/Galstyan family
Should you wish to explore the world of wind blown musical instruments further, my friend is the premier builder of the Armenian Duduk. This is an instrument with a haunting voice, reminiscent of an oboe, and although not an easy learn, is instantly captivating and magical. Listen and I believe you will agree.
An Interesting flute Shopping Source
Johnny Lipford is a very talented musician and performer with these instruments. His skill set and knowledge base provide the viewer/listener with some serious tools in their decision making regarding a purchase of a Native American style flute. For flute makers with an internet presence, the tools available to showcase instruments is limited. Despite sound files, photos, and detailed build components, it is still not unlike purchasing shoes from a Sears catalogue. …..You really need to walk around in them a bit to see if the fit is good. Mr.Lipford has created an opportunity wherein he showcases the instruments of various makers, and does so via YouTube, for each instrument he represents. Plus he has tutorials and accessories available for beginning and expert players alike.
Oklahoma Flute Makers..PBS
Having previously received First Place honors at the Oklahoma Flute Festival, this hour long program on PBS resonated with me and brought back memories as well. I think you will enjoy it.
Flute Tree
One of the most important definitive sources for information on the Native American flute.
Odell Borg’s High Spirits Blog
Having been good friends with Odell for 20 years, I am continually amazed by his commitment and dedication to providing an easy and informative approach to learning this instrument. Some aspect of his journey is linked three times on this page, and his blog provides yet more useful information. Most every contemporary player began with, and continue to use his instruments, and I am no exception.
Excellent resource for Native American art, including virtually endless links to all things Native American.
Bill Leyden
I’ve recently been introduced to the musical genius of Bill Leyden. In a body of work approaching 40 CDs, he explores every nuance of these instruments. I personally love those tracks artfully arranged with brilliantly added instrumentation, finding them to be a fresh and welcome departure from stand alone NAF music. I’ll be including his CDs “Track of the Bear”, or “Beloved” with your flute purchases, for a very limited time. Click his name to hear it all.
Dayton C Miller flute collection
……So you think you know flutes do ya.
Cedar Mesa Music
Scott August, another friend and extremely gifted recording artist, has dedicated a website to providing both visual and auditory magic as he draws upon his knowledge and passion for World Music, and the Native American flute. This site is a glimpse of his journey, and I’m both inspired and educated by each visit. Plus he plays my flutes.
Text translator
A great site should you want to cut and paste my text or complete web pages into YOUR language. It won’t work if you invented your language, and is a huge waste of time if your language is English.
50,000 year old New Zealand Kauri. The story.
Overall, in my opinion, possessing the finest harmonic, or cellular characteristics for flute building, These folks have a fascinating story. This is not however, framing material for that spare bedroom. Take a look.
The Native American Flute Portal
Established by Jeff Ball, and Geoffrey Ellis, a couple of guys who are dedicated to advancing the knowledge base for this instrument. The site includes music downloads, classified ads, flute circle information, event schedules, and all within an interactive framework.
Brent Blount / Jazz, Blues, Native American, and classical music
Few people travel through this life, and find their true artistic calling, ..at all. Fewer still, find and nurture that calling from youth. This artist is one of those few, and the expression of his art is oh so smooth.
Randy Granger
An excellent musician, and shade tree musicologist, Randy and I met at Zion, where his skills became instantly apparent. I think you will enjoy his work, and thereafter, New Mexico.
Native Flute Tracks
For those of you who are serious about applying this instrument to existing pieces of music, or creating printable versions of the music in your head, Clint Goss has created an elegant and sophisticated, freely downloadable program of useful fonts for NA flute and fujara. If after using the program, you decide your work is SO GOOD, you have to share it with the world, … Just give Clint credit for creating the program which allowed you to visually document it in the
first place.
Anasazi Dreams
Mark Purtill is a builder of Anasazi and Mojave rim blown flutes and six-hole Native American style flutes. Rim blown flutes are based on the original Native American flutes, and the voice is extremely haunting, with a two to four octave range. The flutes are challenging, and require a great deal of practice. A free PDF guide to playing rim blown flutes is available upon request. Mark began building his flutes from PVC, which are now made by special order, and has transitioned to wood for most of his offerings. His Etsy store is constantly changing and sound files of all the instruments are provided. https://www.etsy.com/shop/anasazidream/?etsrc=sdt
Greybeard’s Flute Life Wax
Ed Dougherty makes a wonderful FDA safe flute wax, in small batches, in his kitchen. he also makes flutes, drums, walking sticks…the guy is an artist. A very busy one. . Now I won’t be upset if you buy one his flutes or drums because you’ll buy one of mine eventually anyway, but I want you to look at this wax. Not only is it great protection for your flute, there’s something both soothing and cathartic in the process of doing something nice for your flute, particularly since it does so many nice things for you.
Mini showcase of my most recent projects
This is my Querencia Facebook page, wherein I post work that for the most part, is not yet on my website. On that page, if a sound file is available in an instrument’s description…that flute is on the website. Facebook membership is NOT required to see what’s new.
NA flute lessons on video
My Friend Odell Borg has released to YouTube, a beautiful series of videos to facilitate immediate understanding and mastery of this instrument. Absolutely worth viewing.