
Will Walker 
Songwriter/ musician/performer Will Walker, was in search of a cedar flute, with somewhat unique voice characteristics. Specifically, an instrument unlike typical cedar. which as a soft wood, has a predictable soft voice, owing to the large cellular voids in the material. Ironically, I had just finished building this Oklahoma red cedar flute, with just that goal in mind. He showcases it for me here, in this personal composition. I am very proud of his work, as he is, of mine.

MW-Oxford PA

Sue absolutely loves the flute. The tone quality is amazing. The artwork is over the top! We thank you so much dear friend!

RM-Horse Creek CA
This client purchased an Em Kauri instrument, to include specific items he wanted included in the build. I created a second block to accommodate those items, and he is pleased. Further, He states “Just played the flute in the thermally treated Norwegian spruce sauna I built (not while hot)- Otherworldly acoustics!” The sauna is beautiful, looking like a miniature Noah’s Ark. Who knew? The lesson here is to experiment with your surroundings . Thank you RH

BL – Portland OR
Lengthy in content, this client had really nice things to say about his purchase. A few were “Incredible to the touch, rich tones flow out with ease” “I’m going to enjoy experimenting with your flute. It plays effortlessly from a whisper to a roar” ….”Your flute is a delicate work of art created as a performance art piece. It’s like comparing a Yamaha classical to a Ramirez classical guitar. They’re both functional, but there’s a vast difference in the way they feel and respond” (Em Koa) I am humbled by this note…RH

Dear Rich this beautiful fine flute is amazing. I Love playing and just looking at it. I don’t have words to describe how much I appreciate your kind generosity and skillset to create such a wonderful work of very playable art!

KT – Berlin
Rich … you are a true master!!!!! The flute has so much stunning detail, no wonder you are only making a limited number per year. And the sound is also very sweet and balanced. This is already my favorite flute in my small collection. I will have to learn for a long time to get to your level and maybe will never get there… The love you put into the documentation is also very unique and of immense value to me.

The flute is in perfect condition, everything was all right. The tax was only the custom from US, that’s O.K. for me. And she sounds so fine, I am really happy and even my wife loves her. I think you can do it in the same way for the other flute. She will also be a little bit tired after 25 days, but i hope she will also be happy in Austria. It’s a very nice country. Thank you for all… You are very welcome, Wolfgang-RH

” Just wanted to let you know I received the flute today and it’s so beautiful and sounds lovely. Every detail is amazing, and I can tell you put your all into your work. I’m really happy to own one of your flutes.“….” I found and liked your Facebook page. You’ll be seeing my name on an order again soon. ” Thank you so much-RH

JG-Windham, Maine
If you’re on the fence or deciding between one of Rich’s flutes and another craftsman’s, let me cast the final vote for you: buy from Rich. I got the chills blowing in to this for the first time—it’s exactly the sound for which I’ve been looking. The attention to detail, craftsmanship, right down to the carefully curated paperwork he sends, this flute and the whole process have been world class. I really do feel like this isn’t just a flute; I can feel the love Rich poured into this, and look forward to enjoying it for decades to come. “JG, I’m truly honored and humbled by this testimonial. RH”

ME-Salem OR
Following a tumultuous Shipping experience, this client sent me a wonderful card wherein she states “everything is great with this flute. If I had to assign a car name to it that would be a Ferrari. It’s so smooth and fast that it almost plays itself. This flute was well worth the wait and I am so happy that I now have one of your amazing flutes.”…Thank you so much for the kind words and beautiful card. RH.

TS-San Jose
Upon receipt of his flute, a day earlier than projected by USPS, TS had this to say….”The Flute is Beautiful! The two pieces you created for the stand are right up my lifestyle, organic and thoughtful.

I am very pleased to have come across you and your Art and that I now get to see it daily in my home and  get to exercise my musical creativity through that….Such a warm tone. So relaxing!

Rich you are an Amazing Artist but more over a Great Communicator, a rarity in this current world…. I am sure this will not be my last Piece from you. A Native Flute in Em will fill the Santa Cruz Mountains’ mornings this weekend for sure. Thank you again for your Art and your attentive approach.”

He ends with… “Art is the only True Last Revolution, keep producing Beautiful Pieces.”   Thank you TS for your kind words, your purchase, and breaking in my shiny new website. RH

Donald Rivaldo- flute maker
“Mr. Rich Halliburton is a top-notch flute maker and artist. Each of his flutes is a unique work of art and a treasure to own.”

Steve Lautenschlager Ph.D….(My web designer)
“It’s awesome. I’ve already managed to play a scale and it sounds great.” “It’s a real collector’s item and I hope to have it for a very long time.”

Wyatt Earp
“In all fairness, Richard is my brother-in-law. At my request, he built me a monster 33 inch lacewood bass flute. His flutes show quality, care and artistry in both construction and voice. He has a clarity of purpose and it shows in his work.” Thanks Wyatt.

Bob Meistrell- Co-founder, Body Glove Corp.
“My wife and I visited Rich’s shop, and although we don’t play, purchased two drone flutes which are now proudly on display in our art collection”.

Larry Cooperman-Composer, performer, music magazine editor, music store owner
“After purchasing two flutes, the lacewood sounds like an orchestral bass. The cedar is sweet beyond compare, and they are both so beautifully individual!!!”

J.F.- Stuttgart FRG/ Waldorf flute circle
“All I can say is I am SPEECHLESS! THIS IS AN INCREDIBLE FLUTE!” “THIS IS TRULY A WONDERFUL WORK OF ART! AND SUCH A SWEET SOUND! You are truly a talented flute maker and I will honor this flute for the good of all living things.”

Jan Michael Looking Wolf/ Native American recording artist
“Thanks Rich for the beautiful custom F flute! Your tuning is impeccable and it plays great- a concert flute for sure. What sets your flute apart from the others is its custom design and very warm sound. You managed to make it a sophisticated work of art w/o losing the traditional feel.”…JMLW- 2004 NAMMYS Nominee; 2004 ISMA Best Flute Recording; 2004 ISMA Best Blues Nominee; 2005 and 2006 finalist, IMA music awards, Best New Age album: Instructor, Introduction and History of the Native American Flute/ Oregon State University.

Kristof V.P./Belgium
Following his second purchase…”A beautiful flute to see, wonderful to hear, and gentle to handle. I will take uttermost care of it and lay it softly to rest after playing. I haven’t yet found flutes of that quality and craftsmanship over here in Europe. And for the rest…it’s like a good wine… for it seems to improve by gentle care when aging.”

C & S, Greenwood MN
“Your package arrived in today’s mail. I was so excited that I could not wait until Christmas to open the box. This drone is an absolute “WOW” I own perhaps 15 flutes, and yours is undoubtedly the most magnificent. Everything about it is first class.”

Tom- Order of the Arrow
“I am so amazed at the flute. Seeing pictures is one thing, holding it is another. It is beautiful. I am so honored to have received such an amazing flute. You can be sure I will take care of this flute with the most tender care. I will, when I sound somewhat decent, send you a little sound clip.

PM-Sacramento CA
An owner of 50 plus flutes had this to say…”I was blown away by the beauty of the flute, as well as your worksmanship. I love the mouthpiece and the dished fingerholes. They make the flute so much easier, comfortable, and enjoyable to play. Then I played it for awhile on the front porch. The sound is incredible, ranking right up there with my very finest flutes, for which I paid a tremendous amount of money”. “While I’m not a beginner, I can tell from reading what the artist sends what kind of care he puts into his instruments. It is obvious that the care you take is over and above what many flutemakers put into their flutes and “aftercare”. “I’m quite sure that this is just the beginning of a long relationship”.

MA-Wichita KS
“I just came back from the post office where I picked up the flute. The flute is absolutely beautiful and it plays like a dream. It is far more than expected. I am going to be spending a few hours tonight getting to know my new flute. I have played it for the last 15 minutes or so and I absolutely enjoy the tone and feel. I will definitely be paying you a visit again for my next flute purchase. “

K K- Evansville IN
Following receipt of the first two of three flutes ordered..”I picked up the flutes. They are beautiful. These are my first flutes so I will need to practice a lot, but even without practice, the sound is great”. “You may already know, I ordered another flute. I believe I have accessed EVERY flute web site on the internet, and your flutes have a styling, craftsmanship that very much appeals to me.” ” I took up woodworking several years ago, so I can first hand appreciate your craftsmanship, time spent, and wood choices. This is one task I’m not ready to tackle. “

Carol -MN
Following a drone purchase last year, she writes this re: her most recent purchase…..”The flute is even more beautiful in person, and it plays like a dream! I haven’t been able to put it down all day………..You have a wonderful gift for creating musical instruments that speaks volumes both in terms of tone and appearance. The flute’s voice is sweet and clear, and the artistic presentation takes my breath away. Your workmanship is flawless! I will definitely be back for more later this year. “

Mary H.-Washington
Contacted in advance of a purchase, This experienced flute player and woodworker was initially concerned that @ 5’2″, she might have difficulty playing a flute she found appealing. She purchased two flutes that evening, and upon their arrival, had this to say…..” OH MY GOD—They are beautiful.” ” I can not believe the sound. And they are so easy to play. I will never buy a cheap flute again. And the volume is wonderful. WHAT A SOUND. I just cant rave enough about them”. ” I will be playing one or the other every day. The quality of your workmanship is something else. I love them. They are beautiful”.

Following a recent purchase, he writes…”So I ducked out of work on an errand today and picked up this absolutely beautiful creation…..”….”I have a couple of guitars I think will play well with this flute……But I really think the best is going to be playing this flute by the rolling shores of Lake Huron”…” I have been wanting this for awhile and every time I would look at it, I kept expecting to see “sold” next to it. It sure is nice to get exactly what you want……………”

Scott August- Native American/Ethnic/World flute recording artist
” I recently obtained a Querencia drone flute. The sound of this instrument is superb, having a clear sweet and focused tone. It is easy and fun to play and fits my hands well. The craftsmanship is first rate. The beauty of each piece of wood was obviously selected carefully and then assembled with the overall look of the flute in mind. The blocks are stunning in their detail and beauty. My Querencia flute is a great addition to my collection. I’m sure I will want more, and I look forward to recording and performing with this wonderful instrument.” – Recording artist, Native American Music Award Winner.

DP-Downey Ca
In acknowledging receipt of his flute and a custom display stand, DP wrote..”I got the flute and the stand, no firewood. The pictures don’t do it justice. Both the flute and the stand are absolutely beautiful. I LOVE them both. Thank you for this playable piece of art. I am absolutely delighted with both…”

Mark Slater- Enthusiast and collector/ Rockwall Tx.
Mark is both a flute enthusiast and serious collector, with websites dedicated to his love for this instrument. In an Email with the subject heading of ‘My awesome new flute’, he writes….”It is such a beautiful work of art…..It really is playable art.”…”I am very honored to own this flute, and it will be handed down to some family member at the time of demise. “ Thanks Mark. In this case, I hope and pray the flute falls apart before the owner does. RH.

Ken Lyons – Houston Tx.
Ken is a member of a flute circle, whose members have just developed a beautiful and informative website. Clicking on his name will take you there. Upon receipt of his first Querencia flute, he writes “There’s no way this flute is coming back to you. Great job my friend, and it plays as well as it looks. I’m playing tomorrow night at an art gallery showing here in Houston. Your flute will be in my bag and probably one of the first flutes I pull out to play. Now I have to figure out a way to buy another one. ” ……Nice comments from a great guy.

RD – Mgr. Rockler woodworking
“Working with wood and tools in a professional capacity, I have come to know Rich, and have been impressed by his committment to combining craftsmanship with functionality. Now I own one, and it is a truly stunning work of art. “

C & S- MN
On their third flute purchase they write “Your excellent flute arrived in today’s mail, and it is everything I had hoped for. I spent perhaps an hour playing it this afternoon, and its first-rate sound matches its good looks…Thanks again for your impressive craftsmanship, and customer-friendly service…………”

P.P.- Maine
…A buyer who now serenades her horses with her flute writes of their reactions….”The fascinated and curious horse was definitely more interested with the music and not just the ‘stick of wood’ I was carrying’. She writes the others either ignored her, or were fascinated and scared. She thoughtfully adds..”Thanks a whole bunch for making it as easy as it can be doing business coast to coast”.

RC- Md.
Following his ancient Kauri flute purchase, RC, had this to say upon its arrival…In part “First of all its appearance is unique. Of all the other flutes I have seen or played, your flute definitely stands out… (The wood)…takes on a different look from every angle and changes with every shift in light… As I began to play the flute I noticed how responsive it was to the slightest breath, creating a very emotional expression with each note. After many years of playing, this sensitivity opens up a new direction and feeling for me and the Native American flute. ..with this flute, the creative flow seems endless … I’m sure that in building this flute you have poured more than just time into its creation … I assure you that its voice will be heard by many in my journeys across our beautiful planet. The voice of the flute will echo your name as it sings!… Thanks for your higher vision and I look forward to your future as you express yourself with these wonderful flutes…….” The above is just half the letter, and NO, I didn’t make it up. Thanks Ross.

SQ-Syracuse NY
In an email, prior to the purchase of his first flute, SQ stated “I really can’t believe your work! I’ve never seen a flute of such quality for less than 500 dollars”…Then, upon receipt of his flute he writes in part, ..”It took so long to write you because I’ve been busy playing it…. I was quite nervous something would go wrong, such as the classic scenarios of broken on arrival, or bad sound, or even no sound. But man, this flute is amazing! I can’t believe it looks better in person than on your site, and the sound is fantastic….I’m glad you do what you do. “ Thanks for the great comments. I feel a price increase coming on. I’ll try and get over it. RH.

Brent Blount- Recording Artist, composer, Jazz musician, instructor.
“The flute you made and my wife purchased for me is par excellence to none I’ve played on so far in response, intonation, clarity of tone, depth of tone, and even projection. The slightly embedded tone holes go a long way to making it more playable and improve the tone quality, since the fingers seal the tone holes much easier. I wondered myself if the larger construction at the mouthpiece would enhance its projection;and it does. This makes it easier to record, since a problem for making quality home recordings is getting enough levels without the air sounding blatantly on the playback. This flute you made just solved that problem. The slightly indented tone holes make half-holing much easier, which now allow for a major second to be played between the first two notes with much more ease than any other I’ve attempted it on. Obviously, a lot a care and love goes into your work, as demonstrated in the superior craftsmanship of inlaying the turquoise and shell along with the artwork. It radiates off the instrument, which I’ll keep and care for my entire life now. I’ll want more in the future, and I really appreciate the different keys you offer.”.. Thanks Brent- RH.

Brent Blount…………….Just picked up another
Hey, I gotta keep the g min. The response is so good on the low note and the volume is better, not to mention timbre. If you go to www.isound.com/brent_blount I finished the album , “Black Kettle’s Vision.” It took me a couple years to finally put it together compositionally. I need to clean up the blog, but the first and last song “Luring The Vision” has the Bb min. flute on it, as several other cuts as well. Yours are a lot easier to record with. I wanted to write a little more, but I’m about to be late for a gig. I just wanted to say how much I love it! Brent.

“… I was a little worried, at first, about ordering something like this over the internet without seeing it, hearing it, or meeting you, but our phone conversation definitely helped and I appreciate you taking the time to talk with me. “ He then likened the purchase to an online dating service, and the concerns and apprehension over the first encounter. He then writes “Well, the flute is extremely beautiful and skillfully crafted, and I love the heart, soul, and time you have poured into it… I can’t explain it in words but this flute is very humble, yet very bold. I am amazed at the warmness of the sound, the volume it produces, and the unique, almost haunting tone quality. … I thank you for creating such a wonderful instrument.” And I thank you for such wonderful comments. RH

…. “This is more beautiful in person… the detail, the fine woods,& how they all blend. Not to mention the clear, smooth, crisp sound…. Thanks so much for sharing your craft and talent with me..”

… “I do LOVE IT! Fantastic sound, great playability, you were right on about the finger holes, I love the fact that they are slightly counter sunk…nice touch. The flute is an absolute work of art, beautiful craftsmanship, I will really enjoy playing it and showing it to other, hopefully it will inspire me to play better”… “I guess I’m going to have to add your web site to my weekly “hit list” so I can keep my eyes on your current creations.” The following day, after securing permission to post his comments, he stated further.. “Lovin the flute, man does it play easy…and beautifully, deeper sound than my previous flutes” Thanks Mike

After yet another flute purchase, Mike writes..”Received the flute Saturday and surprise, surprise … I LOVE it. The opals were a nice touch, you really have appeared to meld “art and flutemaking” successfully. The craftsmanship is outstanding and I love the sound, you really do beautiful work. “…..This man is turning into another potential press agent, Thanks Mike.

GA-Thorigny -sur-Marne FR.
Upon receiving his sequentially alternating drone flute, GA writes… “I took delivery of the flute… It is purely and simply… MAGNIFICENT!!! And its sound is MAGIC!!! Thank you so much for all!”……………and I thank you. R.

“Rich … it’s Saturday and the flute just arrived. And in your own words … it exceeds expectations; it’s beautiful, clear, wonderfully in-tune, and SO easy to play. And thanks so very much for the Scott August CD. I’m looking for players to learn from, and he’s extraordinary”…” I’m out of warm-glowing words, but I sure feel them in my gut.” Thank you Ken.

DT- Colorado
After three flutes, and about a year, out of nowhere, I received this email…”I just wanted to let you know just how great and special I think your flutes are. I still can’t decide if they are more art or musical instrument, but they are wonderful to look at and play. I have my three flutes prominently displayed in my house and they never cease to get positive comments from guests. While I’m no musician, after only a short period of time even I was able to make beautiful sounds…dare I say music. Even my 8 year old loves to play. I have a great picture of him playing to a bald eagle sitting 30 feet away in Sitka, Alaska using an eagle flute in F#. I called up a deer to within 15 feet while playing next to my house last week with my E. Mystical forces at work or do animals and birds just like the sounds. I know when I am camping at Rocky Mountain Park and playing around the campfire, it never fails to call in the neighboring campers wondering what that beautiful sound is. You are a true artist and your flutes are a reflection of that…art that doesn’t just look beautiful-it sounds amazing. Thanks for sharing your talents with me and my family.” Thanks so much Doug. For your own safety, you should probably avoid playing your flutes at the zoo. RH

KK- Boise ID
“I’m still growing in my appreciation of the flute you sold me. And as a newer player, the fact that all flutes are not created equally is becoming very clear. …That thing is so loud, clear, and easy to play.” Thank you-Rich.

BB- Weatherford TX
“The flute arrived safely today. It is gorgeous and has a beautiful voice also. Well done my friend and thanks again for the opportunity it obtain it. I will show it off at the flute circle this weekend if all goes well” . Thanks Benny.

Despite a reluctance to tackle many custom flutes, this client provided extremely detailed CAD images, so nothing was left to guesswork. Upon receipt of his very special Cedar of Lebanon flute he writes……. “It has arrived and all is well!!! It was so hard to eat I think I swallowed my food whole because I couldn’t wait for it to warm up so I could play it. Well I played it for about an hour and I love the volume and dynamics I was able to achieve with it!! I don’t know if it’s the cedar or just the design or a little of both but it has a wonderful full bass sound that I can play clearly or even with a little bit of breathy or raspy sound. I just love the sounds I can get from it, it’s very responsive and expressive!! …. I love what you’ve done with everything on it and your choice of wood for the bird was perfect. I’m very pleased and I can’t wait to do some recordings with it!” Thanks very much. Building it was special for me also. Rich

This professional musician knows music to the point of re-building pianos. Following a flamewood flute purchase, he writes…”The flute is really great. Though it’s always a translation from computer image to actual object, I like this better than I thought I would, and I thought I would love it. It’s various inlays and intricate work are quite organic to the piece….this flute has a very nice, mellow controllable quality. “..”I think you did a great job, Rich. Thank you for choosing to spend your time doing something like this. It’s an inspiring musical instrument.” – Thank You. I promise I’ll never build a piano. RH

Upon receipt of her flute, ..Diane had this to report…”It arrived, it’s in one piece, it’s gorgeous, it sings! “Throw it back in the mail…”?! Not a chance!! I’m sleeping with it under my pillow! (OK, not really, but you get the idea – I love it!) It is effortless to play, and the voice – clear and strong, but with a soft edge to it…..just lovely.” Thank you very much Diane- RH

Upon receipt of his flute, Robert said, “I am really surprised at the soft warm sounds it makes. Just what I was hoping for. That’s why I was asking about base flutes. I love those soft warm tones. Is that a characteristic of the maple it’s made out of, or of the key…..or both? At any rate it’s a beautiful flute, and it arrived in great shape, no damage from shipping, thank God. Thanks again Rich, you are a master !!!!!!!!”..Thanks for the kind words, but NOBODY is a master at this craft.

This budding flute enthusiast contacted me as she wanted to purchase a flute for her husband, who was somewhat reluctant to participate in her love of this instrument. She ultimately justified her purchase with the observation that if he didn’t like his new flute…she would have two. Upon receipt she states in part… “Well, Jim (my husband) and I took turns playing the new flute. Yes , it sounds every bit as good as it looks. For now we are kind of playing a back and forth kind of thing. Jim plays a little, I pIay a little..it works well. I might also add that the flute is so light- yet it has a voice that can really fill a room. My husband was a little hesitant about starting to play the flute. But I have to smile when he got your flute in his hand – saw the beauty of it, he just took to it (well not like he is playing it like a pro- but he is learning).” Thank you so much…. The world can never have too many flute players. -RH

KK- Idaho
Not really a testimonial, This thoughtful little note came to me recently…out of the blue, and was welcome encouragement. “Rich, I just wanted to take a quick moment to say again how wonderful your flutes are. I know each one of us has frustrations, and life doesn’t always flow as smoothly as we’d like. Please know … that the basic thing you are doing, bringing sonic and visual beauty to the world, is making a difference. The birds in my backyard thank you too! Appreciatively, Ken.”

This new member of the Querencia Woodwind family has some experience with this instrument, and practices daily. Upon playing her flute she says “When I played the Koa flute, the lower notes resonated warmly, and the higher notes were bright and clear! I like the fact that each of your flutes are different and not mass produced. You allow your artistic desires to make a flute take on a character of its own. Your craftsmanship is wonderful.” .Thank you. .We also share a mutual in-ability to play the Anasazi flute. At least she is working on it. Rich.

I received a wonderful note from DF. Upon receipt of her flute she states “I just received the flute in the mail today. The packaging was not damaged and neither was the flute. I really love it and it has a beautiful, clear tone. I feel very honored to have a flute made by you.” We had a phone conversation prior to her purchase, and she subsequently wrote.. “I get the impression that you are a very good person and that your flute making sends needed healing energy out into the world”. …Thank you so much. One out of two is not bad. Rich

WOW…LF just bought another. She writes in part “About the flute, the sound sample convinced me to purchase this flute, but when I played the flute I was astounded at the volume and the clarity of each note!! I am convinced that this flute’s sound caused me to create a wonderful tune as soon as I started to play it. The wood is beautiful, and your inlay work complements the wood’s figured grain. Thank you for sharing this extraordinary flute.”…. And Thank You Ms. F for the kind comments, and ignoring all that news about a recession. Rich.

Upon her receipt of TWO flutes, without any prior experience with this builder’s work, she states ” Doesn’t it make you wonder how much on the internet is smoke and mirrors?! But I received the flutes today and I know they are the real deal. They both surpass my hopes and dreams!!! They are in perfect condition and couldn’t be any more beautiful. Thank you so much.”..And thank you Ms. L. I agree, there is risk. Not unlike buying shoes from a catalog. RH

GM-Waizenkirchen Austria
Georg and his wife Romana just purchased one of my favorite flutes. Georg is a designer of Very interesting musical instruments. Clicking his name will take you to his website. Upon receipt, George reported “ The Flute is here and we are very happy. It plays great and it is beautiful, lovely, and perfect made. Thank you very very much.” He’s now awaiting a second flute. Thank YOU very much Georg. If the dollar stops falling at terminal velocity, I’ve promised my wife a trip to Austria.

RT-Bakersfield Ca
“Merry Christmas Rich :Everything arrived in great shape I’m happy to say. And I was even home for a change when the guy from the Post Office came by. I’ve spent most of the past couple of days playing and I’m really happy with the flute you made. The voice is clear and crisp and the tone is beautiful…and your workmanship is unbelievable. Thank you so much.” Thank you Robert.

Jeff Martindale PhD.
“Rich, I am extremely pleased with my alternating drone flute. It honestly brings a smile to my face when I play it (Smiling and playing the flute at the same time is possible, just tricky). I just crossed the 9 year mark of playing Native American flutes. In that time, I have played a good number of flutes. This alternating drone is already ranked among my favorites. I’m picky about the drones that I play. This particular flute provides the voicing and playing dynamics that I look for in a drone. The alternating drone adds so much more to the fun factor of the flute. Hey, you can’t beat the aesthetics (champagne diamonds, ammolite, carvings) of the flute as well. Thanks for the attention to detail. The flute will become a regular companion on stage for me. All the best, Jeff”…..thanks Jeff. Click on his name to go to his website. Rich.

Pipyr- Maine
An artist herself, Pipyr takes glass design to the next level. Click on her name to see it. In part she writes…”Then I played it. Wow. It gave me chills from the first note. Every note I have played on it has sounded beautiful, right from the start. The rich tone of it is to die for and it is absolutely effortless to play, which is saying a lot with me being as new to NA flutes as I am. I also immediately got the feeling that this flute is singing to my soul, making me feel like it was just waiting for me to find it. My partner didn’t want me to stop playing, which is a true testament to its voice, as it surely wasn’t from my skilled playing. I’m completely overwhelmed. To say I absolutely love it is a massive understatement. You have done nothing to strengthen my resistance to buying more of your flutes. I will definitely be back.”…thanks Pipyr

I’ve known these folks for many years, and when I received this email, it truly validated my flutebuilding passion, and I had to include the whole letter…..”I want to thank you for the absolutely beautiful flute. For many years, I have admired your fabulous craftsmanship. I have been enthralled each and every time you have brought your flutes to gatherings. While I truly enjoy the music, I have been in complete awe of the beauty of your creations. When you told us of your website, I couldn’t wait to see, and when I looked, it was more than I imaged it could be. …….”NOW, I am the blessed to be the owner of a truly remarkable masterpiece. I could not have been more surprised when I opened my beautiful Christmas gift. I never imaged that I would own one of your masterpieces……. Since opening my special present, I have enjoyed playing it numerous times. I have been amazed at how truly relaxed it makes me feel. Although, I don’t have the opportunity to play everyday, I reveal in the experience each time I do. On days when I don’t play, I just look at it and am inspired by its beauty. Strange as it may sound, it gives me comfort. I can’t express why……..Thank you so much for the heart and soul that I know goes into each flute that you create. AND bless John for knowing how much this beautiful, wonderful, super fabulous present would mean to me for the rest of my life.

WS-Salzburg Austria
Finally in receipt of his globetrotting flute, the second of three, Wolfgang had this to say..”i am sooooo happy. The flute arrived today morning. Everything is o.K. only the cover of the CD is broken but that’s no problem. I am happy that you sent it with the hardcase because the package around was a little bit tattered. And now to the sound. It is so beautiful, i never thought, that i could ever love a flute from the first moment. Thank you so much for building it, you make me happy”. ..Thank you for loving it. That makes me happy. R.

“My flute arrived a day earlier than expected and I’M SO PLEASED!!! It is absolutely gorgeous and the sound is wonderful. I’m actually able to make it sound like a flute 🙂 Not too many squeaks or squawks when I have it placed properly on my lips. I’m amazed! I’m in love with this beautiful instrument and you won’t be getting it back 🙂 Again, your photos were excellent with the colors and tones of the wood showing exactly so the only “surprise” was in the emotion of being able to actually have it in my hands and feeling a real connection to it. Can’t thank you enough!” Thank you Ann.

Pipyr gets a new flute. In part she states “This flute is incredible!! I was blown away when I took it out of the package. It was gorgeous in the pics, but holy crap…in person, it’s even better. The combinations of woods and stones are right up my alley for sure. The sound is amazing. I can see why you say it’s “more flute” than the mahogany. I really enjoyed the mahogany, but this one is really flipping awesome. And…ummm…so perfectly tuned! (I couldn’t resist) Thank you so much, Rich. I’m absolutely thrilled!! Your favorite customer… Pipyr”

Marcus Dyess-Texas
Yet another flute maker has a comment after his purchase. “Wow WOW WOW you are good and I have the nerve to call myself a flute maker. As I looked at and played the flute I wondered what would one of his $900 flutes be like. My hat is off to you. When I get the money I want another. THANK YOU.” Thank you Marcus. 

WS-Salzburg Austria
Wolfgang purchased yet another, with this to say “the flute arrived today morning in best condition. This time i had not to pay any customs. This flute is very easy to play an has a great sound. I am very happy. This flute will come with me, my wife and two african drums for the next 5 weeks. I will go with my caravan to italy, perhaps france or spain, even there where the weather is fine. We had snow for about 5 month and now we need sun, sea and warm temperatures. Thank you for your good work. Its a great job for a better world.” Thank you Wolfgang. RH

Upon receiving her flute, in part, DF had this to say..” The flute arrived with no problems. My initial impression is WOW!!!!! WHAT AN AMAZING FLUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am not exaggerating by any means. The flute is visually stunning — the photos just didn’t do it justice. It is light as a feather — I have not picked up a flute so light. Breath control is a dream on this flute — soft when I want but full of power when needed. I love its voice!!!!!! “..She then favorably compared her flute to those of some top builders. Mentioning them by name would be tacky…although tacky and I are pretty good friends. She ends with ” Your flute is a top-notch flute of the highest quality. I know that it is ONE OF A KIND AND VERY, VERY, VERY SPECIAL IN MANY, MANY WAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ………I will keep you posted as I explore the flute over time. What a great journey this flute and I are going to have!!!!!!”…Thank you so much D. I promise I didn’t write this. RH

Upon her second purchase w/in two weeks, D had this to say..”We have another keeper! !!!! The Cedar flute arrived safely. I’ve been trying it out and LOVE it so far. I am having fun with it!!!! Although it does not have the show stopping looks and sound of the Buckeye flute (as expected from the price difference), it is VERY lovely in its own way (and I will shamelessly admit that I like the rattlesnake wrap on it). It has its own character and voice that are QUITE nice for a cedar flute. It can really sing!!!!!!!!! As I’ve said before, the finger spacing, reach and overall design of your F minor flutes are a perfect fit for me. Your flutes just feel good to hold and play. Thanks again for another TERRIFIC flute!!!! I am a VERY HAPPY camper!!!!!!!.” Thank you Debra, for expressing your enjoyment. RH

My new favorite flute client had this to say after her third purchase… “Another hit!!!!!!!! The Am flute and I bonded immediately!!!! We are the best of friends!!!! I love its size and feel–I love its looks–I love its sound!!! What a really bold sound from a small flute. I was amazed. I play Am flutes more than any other key, so this flute and I will be spending quite a lot of time together.” Again, I can’t thank you enough for validating my work. RH

Paul Zikmanis-Ca
Paul is a ceramist and artist on many levels. If you click on his name, you will be taken to a glimpse into the life of a world class potter. After a visit to the Querencia World Headquarters here at Rancho Relaxo, Paul had this to say.. “I just visited Querencia Flutes in Hermosa Beach CA. I “noodled around” (as Rich is fond of saying) on at least thirty flutes. All of them were resonant and beautiful. I found five that truly spoke to me and I chose a Poplar Fm with opals and diamonds and… the list goes on. I play for my own reward and this flute sings to me.” Thanks so much Paul. I tried throwing pots myself… for about a minute.

“My wife ordered this flute for my birthday, and I opened it this week. The flute is indeed a work of art. I can not help but stare at it’s beauty. I love all the semi-precious stone inlays. Even the bag and the stands are works of art. It is a treasue to own and behold. The haunting melodic sound is mesmerizing. I thank you for your commitment to beauty and excellence” –Thank you very much, RH

O writes..”Hooray! I received my flute about 1:00est… safe and sound. What a joy…it has a beautiful voice…I have abandoned my weaving for today and intend to read all of your information; and up the practice time to be worthy of such a fine instrument. My other flutes are weeping in shame”. Thank you. RH

Upon receipt of her flute, C writes “Rich , My flute arrived this afternoon. Box and contents were all in undamaged condition. The flute is so much more than I even realized. The detail is wonderful. it is clear to me that you take great pride in the product that you make. No doubt I will be purchasing from you again. I couldn’t be more pleased. For the money there isn’t anything else I’ve viewed that comes close! Thanks.” Thank you for the kind words. RH

You people just amaze me, and make this whole dance worthwhile. DT just sent this..”It arrived today at noon in perfect condition. It is magnificent! You truly are a craftsman and artist. The tuning is perfect on all notes-even with the 20 degrees outside. Thanks again Rich for sharing a wonderful piece of your soul. “You are a hole in the flute that the Christ’s breath flows through, listen to the music”. Merry Christmas

Nice words from the central coast mountains…….” Daphne and I think it is beautiful and feel like we have a work of art that also makes beautiful music. I notice that to keep the tones pure that it requires a smooth, light breath. A bit of over breath causes a small vibrating sound on the note with the sixth hole open. The sound, however, is wonderful and resonant. I am extremely pleased with the flute and am glad that I ordered it.”.

Diana Kennedy-Ca
Diana is an artist. An artist on many levels. Clicking her name will take you to her website. She recently found the beauty and simplicity of Native American style flutes, then she found me. I’m happy for both events. Her first flute did not leave her speechless. What followed was a series of emails and calls, and planning for yet another flute. In part she writes “Beyond words… from the bottom of my heart~ THANK YOU! ….On the first flute I said, “What? Do you think I’m crazy!! I’d NEVER return this flute, NEVER.” …………………..Now that a second one is on the way I truly believe this is going to be a great year. The economy may be horribly depressing, however this flute is Medicine for my spirit.” Thank you Diana.

Diana Kennedy-Artist-Ca.
Diana just bought her second flute, and I snagged this comment from her Facebook page, or my page. I don’t understand facebook. ” I got my SECOND FLUTE and it is truly stunning!!!! Those gems are so bright, I gotta wear shades ~and~ that little A minor flute beats THE WALL OF SOUND! THANKS Rich!”…..Thank you Diana. RH

This client seems to know everybody in the fluting world, builders and performers. After his most recent purchase, he wrote “Thanks again for a great flute”. “It has a super sound and looks, well….just like all your flutes do—–Beautiful….I have a few flutes. Anyone can buy any one of them except yours. Again, Thanks.” Thank YOU, for the kind words. RH

Just purchased another….”I picked up the flute today. The post office did fine – not a hint of damage. The flute is phenomenal. The design is beautiful. The tone is fantastic. Every aspect of your flutes is indeed special. I wish more people could put this dedication and artistry into the work they do. I try. Not always successfully. I have recommended your flutes to another friend who listened once to me playing and felt a strong need to get one. I hope it results in another sale and dedicated fan for your work.”…….Thank you very much, RH

“I got my flutes today. They arrived in fine shape and I’ve been alternating playing them ever since. You know, whenever I read testimonials and such I never see anyone talking about how a new flute feels in their hands but since I have little arthritic hands, how a flute feels when I pick it up is important. The koa wood flute felt exquisitely comfortable from the moment I picked it up. Both flutes sound wonderful and I am very grateful for the wonderful deal you gave me on them – and all the other freebies to boot!”

EB-Lyon Fr.
After waiting three weeks for delivery, EB writes “She is magnificent. That, I already suspected it by looking at photos on your web site, but I had a surprise beyond my expectations by trying her this evening. ….The sound is magnificent, very soft, and I felt “calmed” immediately after to have played. She has a magnificent voice. Every flute has its voice and its personality, and I love quite those whom I have, but I really had the impression of a “meeting” by playing with yours. …..I had the sensation that it was made for me by seeing her in photo, but now I am sure of it. I really feel in osmosis with her, it’s wonderful…….. I am really happy of the flute which you made for me without knowing it!……Your work is very beautiful.”….Very kind words from a very patient purchaser. Clicking on her initials will take you to “Reverb Nation” where she showcases her flute work-RH

The newest member of the Querencia woodwinds family sent me this note..”This amazing little beautiful powerhouse arrived today!!!! I was shocked, I thought sure it would be tomorrow. I love it. Plays so easily and does indeed smell like root beer…. I am very pleased with how little breath it takes to make it sing. What a strong voice it has. Thank you so much!!!! The added gifts are amazing too. I love the flute stand, so organic….Then on top of all that, you threw in some Native American candy maize. Thank you again!.” Thank you for the kind words, Enjoy-RH

After 6 years, DP ordered another flute. Since packaging of this instrument was a little dicey, upon arrival he wrote “Everything made it here unscathed.The flute is beautiful and sounds incredible”. I asked permission to use his comment on this page and he responded with “Yes, please put my comments on your testimonials page. it is an amazing flute and you did an incredible job creating it. I’m so happy with it. Again, thank you so much!!!”- The thanks go to you for your loyalty. RH

TJ picked up another…..”.Rich, I can’t put it down, I got it about 2 pm today and the sound is just incredible. I can’t wait to take it to the woods and let those beautiful haunting sounds flow out in nature where they belong. The oak flute is just gorgeous. I am so proud to own it. Thank you again. I know I will be back for more.” :You’ve left me great testimonials, and I truly thank you for your faith in my work.- RH :You’ve left me great testimonials, and I truly thank you for your faith in my work.- RH

Dusty Johnson-Prescott AZ
Dusty is a flute player, collector, world class saddle and holster maker and definitive cowboy. He had this to say upon receipt of his flute.. ” Well, I finally picked it up and played it for about 15 minutes. The tone is good; it is easy to play and has excellent volume. My only complaint is that it did not immediately make me sound like Scott August, Cornell Kinderknecht and Mary Youngblood rolled into one. Perhaps the next one you make for me (and there will be another) will do just that. ……My thanks to you and compliments on your work. Keep me informed as new flutes come available.”. Did I mention he tools stunning leather flute quivers as well?? Click on his name here to find out about him. You’ll find his flute case work on my links page as well.

Greg Jones-Eugene OR
Greg is a master carver/flute maker, and good friend. We’ve talked weekly for about five years now. We’ve never met. After a recent website upgrade, He told me there was a glaring omission. Namely a testimonial from him. He insists I submit this. No, I didn’t write it. … “My first step as a flute maker began with my last stop on hundreds of flute sites looking at native flutes. From the name”Querencia” and its explanation, to the lineup of breathtaking flutes; I’m as inspired today as I was then. Rich doesn’t mention it on his site, but he’s donated his time, art, craft and energy to contributing to several flute builds for charities. He’s ‘the’ reason I’m a flute maker today, and the inspiration behind numerous innovations I’ve blatantly stolen from him in the past! I have a two of his flutes, and their sound is what I constantly strive toward in mine. I’m proud to own Querencia Woodwinds flutes, and prouder still to call him friend.”

CM-Honolulu HI
This buyer had this to say after a surprising 2-1/2 day shipping time. “The flute arrived a day early. Sweet! Love it so far. The pictures really don’t do your craftsmanship justice. Not that I’m knocking your ability as a photographer, but it’s hard to convey the true details of the flute through a few pixels. Looking forward to more of your flutes down the road for sure. Many thanks “. Thank you. Flutes are a tough sell on line. Not unlike shoes. Sounds like you got a good fit. -RH

….”Rich, the flute arrived safe and secure this morning. It’s so wonderfully light and a joy to play. It’s a slight stretch to the last hole, but not uncomfortably so. I believe I’ll cover the third hole for a while. Its not only easier for me, but I love that ancient sound. I plan to enjoy this flute for many years. I’ll continue to watch your website as I know another flute will be calling to me in time. Many blessings to you, “D…..Thank you very much, You’ve been a great customer. RH

JRP- Indiana
I was contacted by Jacob for a custom flute, and sent him pictures of the build along the way. Upon receipt, he writes …”Just figured I’d send you a nice picture of it and say thank you again. Your craftsmanship is truly remarkable. I’ll definitely be coming to you again. for any future needs. You’re the man and until we speak again, take it as easy as you can. “. Thanks for the kind words. Enjoy. RH.

Hey Rich, Got the flute this afternoon…It is just absolutely wonderful…You are truly gifted…My Granny always siad everyone has a gift…I say,Rich you have found yours…Thank you so much. Sheree. Thanks Sheree for the encouraging words. RH

TK-Los Angeles
I was contacted by TK as the third purchaser of a flute I built 8 years ago. Owner #2 who received it as a gift from owner #1, let it cook on a fireplace mantle for seven years. The instrument was a mess. I asked that TK return the flute to me, and I would try and bring it back to life, Based on his email, I guess I did.,,,,, “When the old flute came back, after some weeks with Richard, I did not expect to find what I unwrapped; the art appreciation value had increased 100 fold. In honor of my brother’s cowboy days, the old style block was now two magnificent opposing horse heads with flowing manes. I will not mention what was inserted for the eyes, but wow! The flute was in perfect tuning and has a richer sound than any of my other flutes, (some 40 plus) most made by renowned makers. I’ll hate to see this flute go; I’ll be traveling to see my brother in a few weeks, and I know he will be thrilled. Richard also forwarded many websites for my brother to learn on. Aside from being a talented flute maker… what a truly generous person he is. I would like him to print this.”…….Ok then, done. RH

WK- Vienna Austria
After sitting for a month at the Customs House, Waltraud finally got her flute. Google Translate has some rough edges, but she wrote….. “I received my wonderful instrument just days before second I have to wait long, but the greater my joy and I thank you for this great work that you have hereby made. May you have many people prepare this joy with your works of art! I wish you all the best and thank you again. It plays wonderfully and I can into a blissful meditation plunge on this flute!”……..Enjoy, RH

This recent buyer had some very kind words…”I wanted to let you know that the flute came in this morning safe and sound. I swear I spent about 10 mins just being wowed by all of the inlay work! Then I played it, and the sound sample on the web page did not do this instrument justice! It has such a warm, filling tone to it, I am in love!” Thank you. RH

After a purchase two months ago, leading up a Christmas gift, MW had this to say….”Blew her away! She is so funny, she can’t walk by it without picking it up and playing a melody….. She has three others, my guess is they will be collecting dust. What a sound! With your craftsmanship and the high quality wood which you used the sound is really unbelievable…..She hasn’t stopped smiling….. So how do I top this next year????? Get busy……please!…..Thanks for the kind words, and Happy New Year, RH.

JC-Ont Canada
Another Christmas surprise….”The flute arrived in good order – is beautiful to see – and has an amazingly warm, round tone – with a subtle haunting sound that I can’t quite place – definitive and unique – I want to keep it – but will be under my girlfriend’s Christmas tree soon – and she is going to love it – I will give her all of the literature that you included with the flute.”……Thanks for letting me be a part of your gift giving, RH

A previous build has had an interesting journey from Hermosa Beach CA, to Hawaii, then Maryland, and now settling in Montana. The new owner, out of the blue, contacted me with these remarks…”I’m not in the habit of writing to flute makers after I purchase one of their flutes off of Ebay. This flute has inspired me to break that habit! I’ve been a flute player for several years now, and was well aware of your flutes. I’ve spoken to several artists through the years who raved about the quality of your instruments, and I have enjoyed them as works of art on your website for years now. I recently won a bid on Ebay for a Blue Mahoe Querencia Flute in the key of E, and it just arrived about an hour ago. To say that my wife and I are blown away by this flute is an understatement! What an incredible instrument! It will be played mightily and cherished always. I new that it would be meaningful for me as a player to experience the energy of all of the different elements that are in this flute. I welcome that connection, and feel as if I have so much of the Earth in my hands as I play this flute. (And this is just in the first hour since it arrived!) It will be a meaningful and fruitful relationship. Thank you for sharing your gifts and your energy with the world! I am honored and humbled to be the keeper of this instrument at this point in time…” These comments just turned an OK day, into a great one. Thank you so much-RH

CM- Hawaii
I received a surprise email from a previous client. Really nice.,..”As always, the flute looks and feels beautiful. The quality of your craftsmanship and the added details are exquisite. Now the mode 2/5 tuning. As I mentioned in our initial discussion, your blog entry is what sparked my interest in Lone Crows mode 2/5 tuning. Sadly, he was unable to complete the flute I had commissioned. So I turned to you in hopes of getting a mode 2/5 flute in the key of E. Well, you didn’t disappoint. The tuning is spot on and the voice is beautiful. Hopefully It didn’t cause you too much headache and I encourage others to explore both your flutes and the beautiful mode 2/5 tuning.” …Thank you, Rich.

Tziganya- Santa Fe NM
This client’s flute wanted to go to Honolulu enroute to Santa Fe, thanks to the USPS….She was however very good natured, and had wonderful comments as well……….”Cannot stop admiring my flute. It even spoke to me in one of its nine languages – English 🙂 As I was making its new bag, I stopped to ask it how it liked Hawaii and it replied: “I went there on my own Good will.” I thought a moment and said: “Don’t you mean on your own free will?” It replied: “No, GOOD sent me there to warm up before I freeze on the mountain!” LOL Truly, that is what it said. (If I hadn’t already mentioned it, GOOD is my Creator.) Hi tomorrow on the mountain will be around 20 degrees ))O: Rich, I absolutely love everything about it, including the water bird. Love the way it sounds too!!! No, not the water bird — the flute! You are so wonderfully creative and kind. Thank you again and again and again!”……..Thank you, for the very nice comments. I just wish I could have joined the flute on the Hawaiian leg of it’s journey. RH

After 7 years I was able to make a client happy once again…”It has been a while since I have purchased one of your flutes. Well my friend … you have certainly not lost your touch. The instrument is both beautiful and the voice is just great, I love it. Your flutes are both works of art and wonderful instruments. The woods you use are exotic, your craftsmanship is outstanding and ultimately the sounds your flutes are capable of … are just stunning. I am sure that this flute will bring me much joy over the years, thanks so much for what you do! The flute bag, CD and burl wood stand are much appreciated.” Thanks for the kind words Mike. …..RH

Upon it’s arrival, MC had this to say about her second instrument..”What a wonderful flute! Plays just as beautifully as the other one. The only problem I’m having is just playing it for 20 mins. at a time. I love the flute holder…what a neat idea! …It is a work of art as well as having great sound…thanks so much for making it. The stones you used are really pretty and I love the copper accent on the mouth rest….which is very comfortable. The sound chamber is not as wide as the one on my G flute, and the wind block just the same but different. Thanks for the flute bag and the candy corn. I am in a competition in Florida the end of next month and I plan to play this flute.”…Thanks for the really nice comments. Let me know how I can vote in your competition,..RH

JG had this to say upon his flute’s arrival..”The flute arrive yesterday intact. Thank you for the CD…listening to it now. I quickly gave the flute a test run and found it incredibly easy to blow and generate soothing sounds through the music scale. Much easier than my wife’s flutes from a true beginner’s perspective. The weight is lighter than I expected for the size, another pleasant surprise. The flute care kit is another extra touch…well beyond the call of duty. …You are a true artisan. I’m glad I found you through the crowd of flute makers!” Thank you again for the kind words-RH

From the Netherlands, I just received a very nice letter. Thank You Bing Translations…”I just about fell off my chair in amazement. What a wonderful flute you have made for me. It is truly a museum piece. I have very carefully played and what a beautiful sound, in order to get goosebumps. Everything about this flutea I watch and play with full admiration. Are you Santa Claus for me because there was a nice CD, and sweets plus documents. I have a great appreciation and admiration of your craftsmanship. Thank you very much for this masterpiece, and the perfect delivery.”……and thank you for compelling me to learn a little bit of the Dutch language.

Ten year have passed since this client’s original purchase. His words of “I like the flute a lot”, and “It’s a great flute, I’m going to enjoy it”….were sent via audio file wherein he shared a personal composition called Along the River, played with the instrument. Thank you so much. RH.

GM- Argentina
Good morning Rich! The flute just arrive to my home yesterday as I live in Buenos Aires and my wife brought it from Florida where you sent it. Just want to tell you that I love the instrument, it´s sound is amazing and looks so beautiful. I enjoy your letter with the description and tips, and also found very smart that 10% discount as it put me into “wanting another one” mode immediately. Hope to be able to acquire a nice partner for this Em as we would like to play together with my wife. With this in mind we would love to hear back from you if you find the right one. Many Thanks!….Absolutely, and Thank You RH

BB-Austin TX
This flute is awesome. When I started playing someone came to my door asking what CD was playing then realized it was me playing your/my new flute. She said she was so impressed she was going home to buy a flute from you. Her name is Giselle. Your craftsmanship wood and stone combination is solid, beautiful, and articulate. The sound, resonating vibration, tone make me smile and happy. Thank you so much for your way of being……Thank you BB for the inspiring words.RH

BB-Austin TX
BB purchased another…….He states “Wow Amazing Flute! After I eagerly signed and accepted the flute, I gave the delivery person a Wyoming Snakeskin Agate and a Peacock Blue Crown Feather with my appreciation. When I pulled the aggregate work of art out of its wrappings. I literally hugged, touched, warmed, and admired my new companion for over 15 minutes until its temperature regulated with mine, as it arrived a cool 50°. Finally I could try it out, it was so worth the wait. Much like, its little brother, HuangyF it has amazing aperture responsiveness it accepts a wide range from microlight to macro deep air projecting a gamut of goosebump making articulations of sweet sounds. Ironically I meditate on a regular basis with stones/rocks/crystals and so appreciate the way you integrate them with exciusit tonal woods. On that note, I have decided to purchase the Ancient Kuari G, made of your favorite tonal wood. This is perfect timing for me. I very much appreciate your Master Craftsmanship skills, thoughtful design, and articulation. It is rare that I get this mushy, but you earn it.” Wow, again, Thank you BB.

BB-Austin TX
.And he purchased yet another ” I am totally blown away by my Querencia flutes, playing them as often as reasonably possible! My Huangana Negro F, Goncola Alves D, and Ancient Kauri G- each one has a unique personality projecting sounds able to ebb, flow, bend, fly high low and everywhere in between. (+This Ancient Kauri is a Cosmic Screemer) I am definitely a Querencia/Halliburton convert and now devotee. I so appreciate your way of being a Master Craftsman Artist Flute maker extraordinaire. ” Wow, maybe I should do this for a living. Thanks for your purchases. RH.

“Just received the flute a little while ago! Just finished playing it for the first time and now letting it dry. I think we fit! Gorgeous tone and build. I’m very grateful to have one of your flutes! (for as long as I’m lucky to say that) Playing the flute had a very noticeably relaxing/tranquil affect on me. A testament to its quality. Thanks again,”…And Thank you Bill.

BB-Austin TX
I’m PLEASED! Beautiful Artafact arrived intact, intune, intime………..It softly hits all notes perfectly! According to my Tonal Energy Tuner app on my phone. Really appreciate your sweat, consideration and efforts put into this instrument. Love Labradorite Crystal AnD Snake Skin Wrap! Thank you flute Brother! I must bond with my new flute friend and family now member. Peace Bear ….Thanks for the kind words. RH

WS-Salzburg Austria
A wonderful client who has been purchasing flutes for 11 years, This gentleman has a world of patience. His first flute was shipped to Australia instead of Austria, arriving a month late. His recent purchase, during the Covid pandemic, didn’t arrive for two months.Yet he still had this to say..”The flute arrived in best condition and she sounds sooooo fine, i am very happy. In the moment i drink a very good glas of italien redwine for good health for you.”….Thank you RH.