So, this latest instrument is my effort to impart a little back porch/shade tree archeological biology into the recipe. Tuned to Em, the flute is 22-15/16” in length, with a 1” bore, tuned to 432 Hz, generally considered the earth’s healing frequency.
First of all, both the flute and block are built/cut, from 50,000 year old Kauri bogwood, native to New Zealand. The block is supposed to be a horse and a coyote. It is not a bird, unless you want it to be, in which case, it is two birds. At the mouthpiece, is a cabochon of “ammolite”, which is harvested from the underbelly of the cephlepod or nautilus known as “ammonite”. This sample is 50-65 million years old, originating along the east side of the Rockies along the shores of an inland sea that extended from Alberta CN, to New Mexico. In front of the fetish block, I included one of the critters this material is harvested from….looks a little like a snail that was run over by a truck. At one time, there were 8000 varieties of these on the planet, and not much else. The International Gem Society indicates that carat for carat ammolite is rarer than diamonds.
Additional ingredients to this build include Canadian moose antler, African ebony, abalone, hematite, black mother of pearl, turquoise, and fetish bloodline powder of New Mexico chrysocola, and Arizona turquoise, Lastly, is an interesting stone consisting of an amalgam of turquoise, copper, and spiny oyster.
I will do my best to avoid a political rant, despite being negatively impacted myself. I wish everyone well. Slava Ukraini.