Well……….ok then. 2007 is about to lose power, and come slamming into the tarmac, blowing open the doors to 2008. You folks –collectors, recording artists, enthusiasts and novices of the flute world, as well as everybody in between — have again validated my desire to keep making and selling flutes and not pencils during the coming year. Thus far, here in early December, my website has received over TEN GAZILLION page loads for the year. I lied. But still, 24,000 is a lot. And, I sold about 35 flutes…….which is handy since that’s about the number I fire out of my 6ft. by 8ft. “factory” each year.

During the coming year, I plan to introduce a few truly remarkable flutes, of no equal on earth. And some will cost a fortune. One is on the verge of completion at this writing. I will also do another three-flute series of 50,000-year-old New Zealand Kauri over the next two years. Specifically, “Whitebait Kauri”, possessing the finest figure available from this wood, according to Bob Teisberg, the US

or what I DO with those materials, and the time it takes to do it. On another note, I tried building a basic flute, I think back in July or August… just wood and noise. It was no fun. I won’t do it again.

distributor. Overall, the prices of many of my flutes will be going up, substantially ………. because I bought a new Lexus. ….I lied again, about the Lexus anyway. Seriously, the cost of materials I’m fond of using in flutes, i.e. diamonds, amboyna burl, fire opals, ammolite and most recently, Lightening Ridge Australian boulder opals, take their place as some of the most expensive decorative materials on the planet, and they will in some cases, add hundreds of dollars to the cost of a flute. However, you will be paying no more for the materials than I did, and I NEVER pay retail. You will however be paying f

As your chestnuts roast on whatever you roast them on, and things unseen nip at your nose, please take a moment to again, let those folks that love you, know that you know, and feel loved by them. Also take just a moment for a prayer of health and safety for our military personnel and an end to global conflict. My prayer is that this time next year, I can suggest something else to pray about. Historically, our primitive nature, and everyone’s inflated sense of entitlement tells me we will always engage in some kind of behavior that could use a prayer, or an apology. Have a healthy and happy New Year. RH.