Happy Holidays…to all of you folks who celebrate stuff that occurs during the next few weeks. Ordinarily, for me, …it’s Christmas. But this year will be somewhat subdued. The festivities are in Oklahoma, and its cold, and windy, and I don’t want to walk around two airports,…..TWICE…… carrying my boots and pants….so I’m staying put… ANYWAY…. I always thought Black Friday had something to do with the stock market crash…….until about 7 hours ago. So in an effort to kick start your interest in the NA flute,…I’M HAVING A SALE….STARTING TOMORROW, AND RUNNING TIL THE END OF THE YEAR. Specifically, starting tomorrow, I’m going to reduce the price of all my flutes by TEN PERCENT…Now this is a great opportunity to own a flute that is a stunning one of a kind piece of fine art, as well as a HUGE opportunity for those of you who already own a Querencia Woodwind, because you already get a 10% discount as you add to your collection, and this nets you an ADDITIONAL TEN PERCENT. The last time I checked, that works out to around TWENTY PERCENT.

I will admit here, that I don’t know ANYTHING about marketing my flutes. I just know how to build them….and I want to build more, ….but I have to sell a few to make some room on the website. ….this is sounding far too much like an automobile commercial…however, it’s true. Too many flutes slows down your computer, on my website.
In any event, have a healthful and joyous holiday season, …….and take a moment to pray for those in harm’s way. There are far too many of them, and they truly need your prayers. Rich.